Farm Families Photography
We caught up with Photographer Rob MacInnis to ask him about his farm series.. We’re big fans of...
Indie Farming Photos and Stories from 2014
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year It’s been an incredible year at Indie Farmer – the website went...
FARM:shop – East London Urban Farming Hub
Transformed from a derelict shop on Dalston Lane into an urban farm and aquaponic's centre. We talk to the Something & Son team behind the concept and get their thoughts on what the future of urban farming could look like..
Rural Pastimes Fair 2014
Given the Rural Pastimes fair 2014 coincided with my road trip bringing me to Sussex I decided to ride down to the Pestalozzi Village in Sedlescombe on Saturday and photograph the proud owners of some vintage farming tech.
It was great to meet budding farmer (pictured above) Adam Sims, 14 with his Grey Ferguson Tractor, a local to the area - Adam restored the tractor and uses it on a few acres where his family live in the village. He is currently growing potatoes and plans to pursue farming as a career...
Sheep Shearing in the UK
The sheep shearing season in the UK (roughly mid May to mid July) is pretty much finished now, so farmers will be pleased that one difficult and time consuming job is over for another year, and the sheep will be happy to have got rid of their thick fleeces in this hot weather.
Lambeth Country Show 2014
This year marked the 40th anniversary of Lambeth Country Show so being on my doorstep I scooted down to Brockwell Park to check out the Sheep on show...
Biodynamic Dairy Farming: The rise of ‘small milk’
In contrast to the vast US-style ‘mega dairies’ appearing in parts of the UK, one Sussex biodynamic dairy farm says small-scale milk production can work, both sustainably and economically. But does it stack up? Andrew Wasley reports
Could horsepower be the future of farming?
Deep in Devon, UK, a radical experiment in community-supported agriculture is showing how it’s possible to produce food locally and sustainably while breaking our reliance on fossil fuel guzzling farming methods. But does it stack up? Andrew Wasley reports
An Urban Growing Startup – Connected Roots
We meet the Connected Roots team at one of their growing sessions at Google Allotments and interview founder Matt Franks about his 'green' startup venture to get more people growing food in offices and gardens in London.